Training in 3 degrees with internships and specialization modules.

1st degree online then 2nd and 3rd degrees face-to-face in the form of 3-day courses; 3 internships of the same degree validates this degree. At the end of the 3rd degree, you are trained in the profession of Therapist in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The training is aimed at future therapists or practicing therapists wishing to take part in the evolution of health management through a technique ancestral, to people wishing to change their professional course towards the other and well-being. health." the DALAI-LAMA.‍ Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) rebalances the relationships between the organic functions and seeks the cause of any disorder.

The well-being it provides generates a state favorable to a perfect union between body and mind, between being and the universe. "Man lives as if he were never going to die and dies as if he had never lived." The Dalai Lama.

A global concept of health:

Thousands of years old, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete therapeutic system, which has a global vision of the human being.

TCM is still evolving today to adapt to the needs of the modern world, particularly in hospitals in China where it is state medicine in the same way as conventional Western medicine. It is now introduced in the Hospitals of Paris as well as than others in France and Europe in various departments such as gynecology, obstetrics, pain management and oncology. Just like Therapeutic or Medical QiQong and Meditation recently.

It does not replace Western medicine or medical prescriptions but is complementary in the care by bringing a certain improvement in the existing treatments and the well-being of the people concerned. Its application in a country where the demography is the largest in the world gives it a unique scientific legitimacy, even if its experience is primarily empirical.‍If the primary objective of TCM is to maintain health and prevent disease, it can also treat most temporary or chronic, physical, musculoskeletal or organic, hormonal or neurological health problems, as well as certain infections and certain psychological problems.

The general principle of TCM is to maintain harmony within the body, in each of the organs and between these organs, as well as between the body and external influences, to strengthen the organism and enable it to face the aggressions.

TCM does not treat the symptoms, but the person as a whole, in a holistic way.‍The foundations of TCM are based on the philosophical concept of YIN and YANG, on the theory of the 5 elements (wood, fire, earth , metal and water which correspond to groups of organs) and on several principles.

‍This is all that I intend to teach you in my training school DES HARMONIES DE L'ETRE.

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