Chrystelle CABLAN


Study of your typology according to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

Definition of your eating habits and lifestyle because health is based on 3 essential pillars:

    Your Body and its Energy. Your Emotional. Your Environment.

According to Chinese medicine, you are either Yin or Yang, in emptiness or in fullness, with an associated element, which makes it possible to best define the diet most suited to your typology and your ailments.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, you have a dominant Dosha over the 3 Doshas constituting your Being, which gives you different ailments or attitudes.

The balancing of the 3 Doshas puts you in harmony Body Spirit. You will learn your weaknesses and your strengths, your particular recommendations, your favorite activities...

The resulting dietary advice aims to improve your daily life and the way in which you will manage and take into account your Being as a whole.

These 2 ancestral medicines are very complementary because both are based on important life essentials both in terms of food, physical and psychological; they are even philosophies of life to adopt for a better understanding of our experiences, our life trials and experiences.

The session :

To start the session, I ask you to fill out a questionnaire and answer my energy balance sheet, which together will define the theme of our food approach.

Rebalancing involves appreciating your life, your current situation and defining the needs of your body and mind.

We establish together your new food protocol and the appropriate care for you, Detox and Health cures to put in place, specific breaths or meditations to adopt.

If you have doubts and questions after the cure, I remain at your disposal to answer them.

Price: 100 euros - duration 1h30.

Price followed 6 months: 300 euros (1 session every 2 weeks in the center or in video).

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